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In addition, we also keep track of requests for assets and make them available to our community of authors. Here are some matching requests that you can vote for or comment on.
Asset Requests
Something like https://vimeo.com/72472846, https://vimeo.com/81464923, http://www.basefount.com/miarmy.html, http://golaem.com/
Spherical camera for c4d that works with physical/standard renderer.Similar function to vray dome camera.
I would love for something in the lines of this script for 3ds max: http://vimeo.com/102691168 I think its something that a quality Houdini asset would do as good as if not better. Its something that benefits any scene and saves artists time.
A tool to create rock procedurally using noise maps.
The compact car HDA seems more functional than the older vehicle rig HDA, however it would be good if this asset was converted into a more versatile one, easy to apply to any car model.
Would be nice to have an asset that allow multiple lighting setup at a single click with tools to chose the size and scale of the setup and containing many setup based on real life professional studio photography.
I would like to have an asset to measure the world space between any two points. You should be able to toggle between inches, feet, meters etc. with a simple dropdown. Helps me gauge real world size. It could work very similarly to mayas distance tool.