Kim Goossens

12 Aug
12 Aug
Kim Goossens has uploaded version 2 of KG_CleanComplexPoly

Increased robustness of the procedure.

31 Jul

Newest Assets

gallery thumbnail KG_curveTangent
A small vopsop otl with some useful return values. Tangent: Returns the unbiased tangent on a primitive corner Curvature: Returns the angle 0-1 BiTangent NextPoint:Vector ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail KG_ptnumOffset
Mini component that allows easy offset of point nrs. The values are looped, this allows for end and start point to refer to each other. [more]
$ 0.00 $ 0.00
gallery thumbnail KG_cameraCurveWidth
The KG-cameraCurveWidth sets relative width in pixel units. It allows for wires to render with a pixel thickness independent of perspective or resolution of the ... [more]
$ 0.00 $ 4.00
gallery thumbnail KG_extendedSweep
Creates a surface by sweeping 1 or multiple cross-sections along 1 or multiple backbone curves creating unique groups and normalized UV's. [more]
$ 1.00 $ 5.00
gallery thumbnail Soptools noise
This assets provides easy to use functions for adding noise to points. It allows adding noise to position, pscale, scale, rot, normals, up vectors, Alpha, ... [more]
$ 2.00
gallery thumbnail KG_curveTangent
A small vopsop otl with some useful return values. Tangent: Returns the unbiased tangent on a primitive corner Curvature: Returns the angle 0-1 BiTangent NextPoint:Vector ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Poly Curve Split
Split meshes by curves. At this moment supports only 2d mode, but it can be improved in the future. [more]
$ 2.00