Massimo Baita
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gallery thumbnail KG_convolutionCurve
The KG convolution curve tool redraws the curve using a set of given angles. The tool allows to use external (animated) shapes as a pattern ... [more]
$ 2.00
gallery thumbnail Kino.mPointCloudSkinner
Meshes(skins) a pointcloud but at the same time keeps the original points. Can produce normals for pointclouds if needed (using the excellent method mentioned on ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Bounding Selection
Selects geometry based on a bounding shape, and performs several actions. This is a production bounding selection tool that allows you to group, rename, color ... [more]
$ 0.00
gallery thumbnail Edgeflipflow
A modeling tool just like in Bulgarov Stream . Select Polygons and make magic. [more]
$ 0.00