Changing asset location

Changing asset location

We've added an environment variable 'HOUDINI_ASSET_STORE_PATH' that lets you override where the asset store files are kept. This should help with rendering assets on the farm. By default otls/hips/licenses are stored in the following locations.

Windows Username/My Documents/houdini12.5/asset_store/user/otls
Linux ~/houdini12.5/asset_store/user/otls
Mac /Users/username/Library/Preferences/houdini/12.5/asset_store/user/otls

To use the variable, copy 'asset_store' folder and it's contents to location of your choice on the network and set the path in 'HOUDINI_ASSET_STORE_PATH.

If needed the default user can be changed in '../asset_store/users.json' .
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